Saturday, October 23, 2010

Boxer Rebellion and Band of Skulls

Both great bands are great to watch, jamming away at the Restless Sessions in North London last night. Boxer Rebellion played first on the main stage of this heaving venue they played all the favourite songs that were in Going the Distance the movie with Drew Barrymore and where I actually first saw them perform on this movie. Next up were Band of Skulls which I had never heard of but really suprised me with their fab beats. They sound like the White stripes but different and very good. All together a great night out. Favourite songs from this Band include I know What I am and Patterns.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

When in Rome....Roam

Oh I love Rome, barely back a day from this city and I can still hear the bustle of the street in my head and feel the love for this City 'Roma' in my heart. A city for the faint hearted I think not, Rome does actually mean roam alot. There are many streets and stairs to be conquered in this city so best to don a pair of comfy shoes. The coffee is the best I've tasted! The architexture and framework from the Old City to the New is a marvel. From the marble walls of the Sistine Chapel and the Rust Orange walls of the buildings to the Grafitti tags the city wins you over little by little.